The average house price on STANDEN HALL CLOSE is £335,781
The most expensive house in the street is 9 STANDEN HALL CLOSE with an estimated value of £422,501
The cheapest house in the street is 10 STANDEN HALL CLOSE with an estimated value of £245,662
The house which was most recently sold was 3 STANDEN HALL CLOSE, this sold on 25 May 2023 for £275,000
The postcode for STANDEN HALL CLOSE is BB10 2FD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached , 196 m2 £345,628 £250,000 20 Jan 2016
3 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached £275,000 25 May 2023
4 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached , 90 m2 £292,437 £235,000 22 Feb 2019
5 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached £396,253 £68,950 24 Nov 1995
6 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Semi-Detached £401,437 £69,950 4 Oct 1995
7 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached £247,110 £120,000 2 Apr 2004
8 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Semi-Detached £365,425 £164,000 21 Nov 2003
9 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached £422,501 £75,950 13 Sep 1996
10 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Detached , 92 m2 £245,662 £192,000 10 Aug 2017
11 STANDEN HALL CLOSE Semi-Detached £305,582 £189,950 11 May 2007